ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Doing More with Less Energy

Energy efficiency is using less energy to provide the same level of performance, comfort, and convenience.  For example, an energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) uses 85% less energy than a conventional incandescent bulb to produce the same amount of light. In general, efficient energy use is achieved by using more efficient technologies or processes rather than by changing human behavior.

It is the most abundant, cheapest way to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In most cases, energy efficiency measures will pay for themselves over time in the form of lower energy bills. ‘At POP! Hotels the use of pre-fabricated panels and smaller windows, reduces impact of the heat from outside and at the same time minimizes the use of air conditioners.  The energy saving can reach up to 30%,’ says Marc Steinmeyer, President of the Tauzia Hotel Management.

Marc Steinmeyer

‘Thinking green usually starts with more investment on the construction and sometimes operation costs are also higher. Being green is important in the hospitality industry since we touch the public directly, and it is the best vehicle to develop awareness, and our responsibility to deliver the message and create initiatives,’ says Marc, who would like to see more tax incentives for green equipment and technology as well as local development of green technology and products.

Jakarta Eye Center, West Jakarta

Energy efficiency would certainly be the answer to Indonesia’s energy supply problem, using energy efficient technology to make sensible investments in the right solutions for commerce, industry, the public sector and residential districts. The cost is minimal compared to the capital cost of new power generation with a range of leading edge energy saving solutions and real-time energy management the public and private sectors can start saving energy, and money, very quickly, reducing demands on overstretched power grids.

Hospitals and hospital buildings with round the clock operations everywhere are large consumers of energy, which they use in many different ways. This also gives them a high potential for energy savings through use of efficient energy technologies and 10% primary energy savings are often achievable within a single year without detriment to comfort or health care. A great example is Jakarta Eye Centre’s new building in West Jakarta designed by Ark Design’s architect Paul Tan, which brings green concept and energy efficiency in this healthcare building.

Jason Will, managing director at Santa Fe Relocation Services said ‘we are currently finalizing plans for building a new office and warehouse here in Jakarta and are working closely with the Green Building Council of Indonesia to ensure our new building meets Green certification standards’.

‘We recycle our used packaging materials; use plastic crates for local moves instead of cardboard; only use recycled office paper and recycle rain water for washing our vehicles. The design of our new office and warehouse will also include, using LED energy efficient lighting; designing the building to create minimize the impact of the sun and heat and therefore lessening our use of air-conditioning; building a underground storage tank for collecting rain water; and maintaining an optimum ratio of grass and tree,’ further explained Jason regarding his company’s commitment to help to preserve the environment.

Jason has been pleased by the development in Indonesia ‘especially with the formation of the Green Building Council and with it, the setting of Indonesia’s own environmental building standards, which has certainly helped us in planning our new office and warehouse here’.

The role of energy efficiency in combating climate change and promoting sustainable development is well understood by Vikram Reddy, GM, Four Seasons Hotel, Jakarta, whose personal vision ‘is to be as green as possible to protect and preserve the planet we live in.’ Vikram explains that ‘sustainable tourism will enhance and protect the destinations for generations to come’ and has helped implement various energy efficient measures which include ‘energy-saving bulbs in public areas, installation of energy-saving air-conditioning cooling units as a part of an ongoing yearly upgrade and installation of Variable Speed Drives on air handling units and pumps’.

 ‘It does impact the bottom line. It costs money in the short term but we improve the bottom line in the long run. Through energy efficient practices our currently savings are upto $250,000 per year and expect this to increase to $600,000 per year once we finish the pending projects in the next 2 years’ said Vikram. ‘Government should be pro-active in providing incentives to businesses that implement green initiatives,’ he added.

Energy efficiency is the low-hanging fruit, and can be a fundamental element in our global fight against climate change in developing nations. Currently, about 44% of the total energy in Indonesia is used by industries; therefore energy efficiency in this sector is extremely important and has a major impact.  Although energy efficiency in industrial sector continues to develop and improve in recent years, there are still a lot of potential in energy savings that can be explored.

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2 Responses to ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Doing More with Less Energy

  1. 31 May 2012
    Dear Poonam,
    The article is interesting and it is nice to know the work done in Indonesia towards energy economy. However, energy economy comes next after energy generation on which subject a lot of strife is at present going on in India, nay, all over the world. Surely you are aware of the serious controversies that have arisen on the Koodankulam nuclear plant in Tamil Nadu. We had similar experiences latest in Japan and earlier in USA and Chernobyl etc., all on nuclear plants.
    Obviously, at this juncture, we are left with a few options- should our civilization go (1) Solar or (2) Nuclear or (3) remain dependent on conventional fossil fuel? Each has its great drawbacks- while cost of (1) is exorbitant, (2) is highly hazardous and (3) is an unfailing recipe for global warming and greenhouse effect.
    With bated breath Mankind is watching where we eventually land in the field of Energy, though apparently, only a solar civilization seems sustainable.
    Yours sincerely
    Rajat Das Gupta

  2. ps says:

    Dear Mr Das Gupta,
    Thank you for your comment and its more food for thought. Energy efficiency is an endeavor to reduce usage of energy through technology. Every step/action towards this is aslo a step towards sustainability.
    Yes, and am in agreement about solar energy being the most sustainable and ecocologically viable option that should be pursued.

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