Riverside Cottage in Bali

From the Cottage by the River

Very unsettling to be all alone in a little cottage by the river. The large plain glass windows looked out on unfamiliar trees in the moonlight. Fireflies danced with its reflection inside the window. The sound of the river like a background rush – incessant in orchestra with the millions of insects, occasional lizard – the sounds of silence.

It was strange to sleep without the TV remote on the bedside table and to know that there was nobody within shouting distance. Lying back I could see the broken branch just hanging like a grotesquely elongated skeleton of a hand against moonlit clouds in the sky.

Have you felt the light as it melts the darkness to slowly usher in the glorious dawn. What was unsettling in the dark is now lush verdant Balinese rice terraces by the river, in the morning.

Rice Terraces: as far as the eye can see

Its More Beautiful in the Rain

Its More Beautiful in the Rain

Slowing Down

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One Response to Riverside Cottage in Bali

  1. TO: Poonam 5 July 2012
    My daughter and her family visited Bali in 2001 and I heard from them about the fascinating natural beauty of Bali. Now I re-visit the place through your pictures. Literally a cripple at home but for my annual visits to Bangalore for medical check-up I have no other way to immerse into the beauty of Creation except through the websites like yours. Incidentally, Bali always reminds me Tagore’s “Sagarika”
    Rajat Das Gupta

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